U-LEAD Week 1:
Introduction Character, Culture, and Consciousness
Session 1 9-9:50am
Session 2 10-10:50
Session 3 11-11:50 Lunch 12 -11:50
Session 4
1:50 - 2:10pm
June 6th
Why we need you to lead? Introduction to program and explanation of its purpose.
Questionnaire of specific situations and scenarios & how they would address it.
Components of Character and Culture. Explanation of what character and culture is.
Activity- Artistic Creation which interprets what you believe culture is.
Mock Trial:
Students get to know each other and the teaching team
June 7th
Meyer’s Briggs- Career Inventory- to identify learning styles.
Guest Speaker: Speak about cultural biases, norms, mores and taboos.(Target someone for Character Ed. Department)
Activity-What are the characteristics of different cultures? How does their environment influence their culture?
Mock Trial:
Introduction to Mock Trial
June 8th
Career Choice Identification
Guest Speaker: Character Education (Understanding the importance of knowing your environment: make sure guest speaker touches on what they know now in comparison to what they knew back then)
Students will come up with a scenario where they will create and identify the various choices that they can make and identify what the potential outcomes of each of those choices are. They will explain why they chose a particular option within that scenario.
Mock Trial:
Students and lawyers develop group norms (Mock Trial Team Laws)
June 9th
Multiple Intelligences: Gardner
Speaker: Thinking Outside the Box
Research the various careers that exist based on the student results from the Garner Test(Multiple Intelligence) Present to the group what they found
Mock Trial:
Explanation apprenticeship and WOW!
June 10th
Brief review of components of character Ed. from the week that we expect students to write on.
Writing Workshop: Format and Rubric
Personal Identification Paper
Due June 24th
Mock Trial:
5 W’s Exploration
Awesome work! Very nice to see this happening.